to Catholics for Renewal. This Website provides information on who we
are, what we do, our aims and concerns. It provides current information
in relation to renewal of the Church - aspirational, under pursuit, or
as it happens in real time.
welcome all Catholics who are committed to their faith and want a
Church which is Christlike in all it does, providing leadership in the
world based on the teachings of Christ. We are of the view that the
institutional Church needs renewal in accordance with those teachings.
We call for an outward-facing Church whose leaders are accountable,
transparent and inclusive, and which advocates unequivocally for the
rights of the oppressed and disadvantaged while tending practically to
their needs.
Encouraged by a history of church renewal
Church reform over the centuries has been continual, but has required great patience, too much patience. Whilst daunted by the challenge ahead we are also encouraged by hopeful new signs of change, and some things that have already been achieved in recent times or are starting to happen. These include initiatives by Pope Francis, and global collaboration between a growing number of active national and international Church Reform and Renewal groups, thanks to unprecedented networking opportunities now readily available through new technology. Also see Church Mutation.
We are not
content with seeking renewal of the Church. We believe that we all have
responsibilities to commit to a better world. This website refers to a
variety of social concerns and also identifies particular issues in
which Catholics for Renewal is active, including the important area of
clerical child sexual abuse.You are invited to follow or otherwise
participate in our endeavours. See Contact Us.
This website provides opportunities for those who wish to express their views and/or support
the process of renewal in the Church, either directly or indirectly.
Catholics for Renewal comprises a diverse group of people who work
rigorously and professionally in all our research, analysis and
advocacy. We work as volunteers and welcome and encourage anyone with an
interest in Church renewal to support the group, either by becoming a
website 'subscriber' or more actively engaging with us. In any case all
are welcome simply to use this website as an information resource or as a
means of tracking the status of church renewal.
We need and want
a Church where we are ‘all one in Christ, with no more distinctions
...between male and female’ (Galatians, 3:28) and whose leaders read
well the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the
We seek no more nor less than a Christlike Church, and we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do.
Peter Wilkinson (President)
Peter Johnstone (Past President, former Committee member)
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