- urging him to purge child sexual abuse from the Church: legislating civil reporting of abuse, and ensuring effective discipline, major canon law reform, and review of priestly celibacy;
- advising him of the Royal Commission’s exposure of the Church’s global dysfunctional governance; particularly its clericalist culture and lack of accountability, transparency, and inclusiveness, especially the exclusion of women from top decision-making positions; and
- requesting immediate reform of bishop selection processes, fully including the faithful in identifying the needs of dioceses and local selection criteria.
None of the above
proposals requires deferral to the Holy See or awaiting the Royal
Commission’s report before acting. All these actions are within your own
competence. We ask you to lead the reform of our Church now, acting
promptly and decisively - anything less would be a betrayal of the
We pray that the Spirit guide us all at this critical time.
Catholics of Australia