23 January 2025
Dear Friends, Supporters and Visitors,
As we wind up after 14 years of advocacy for renewal of the Catholic Church in Australia and the wider world, the Members of Catholics for Renewal wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many messages of support we have received as well as the many generous donations which will enable us to preserve our website for a further 10 years.
Our rich collection of resources prepared over many years contains an extensive ‘Documents’ and ‘Editorials’ archive and will be readily accessible to individuals, parishes and dioceses who wish to continue the quest for renewal. Our website address is: catholicsforrenewal.org or catholicsforrenewal.org.au
We are also pleased to announce that the Mannix Library has agreed to accept and preserve the hardcopy Collection of Catholics for Renewal which we hope will provide the students and staff of Catholic Theological College (CTC), as well as the general public, with access to a ‘contemporary’ Collection of important documents relating to church renewal.
With the Final Document of the Synod on Synodality, which Pope Francis approved in October 2024, making it part of the Ordinary Magisterium of the Catholic Church, there is now a “new way of being Church” based on the vision and spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
A recent document added to the Collection is a Letter from the President of Catholics for Renewal to the Archbishop of Melbourne, Archbishop Peter Comensoli, concerning practical progress towards synodality in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Finally, as we say Farewell, we send our warmest best wishes to the Friends, Supporters, and Readers who have maintained contact with us over the period of our mission. We also offer our prayers for all the People of God in the parishes and dioceses across Australia and the wider world.
Catholics for Renewal (April 2011 to February 2025)